Change, though often challenging gives us so much potential for growth and self-discovery. It's about accepting the unknown, letting go of old habits, and embracing something new. It’s in these moments we have the courage to release what no longer helps us and be open to limitless possibilities. It's recognising that staying the same isn't an option, and finding true fulfilment means being willing to let go, adapt and grow. Embarking on this journey is just the beginning.

‘Here, healing is a partnership and we are working together towards phenomenal change’ - Lisa


  • Anxiety is ultimately manifested out of irrational fears and thought patterns.

    An anxiety disorder is more than just temporary worry and fear, and can manifest into chronic and distressing thoughts and feelings that interfere with your daily living.

    You may experience symptoms of panic, trembling, sweating, faintness, nausea, difficulties breathing or rapid heartbeat.

    You may often find yourself going to extreme lengths to avoid a situation you feel may bring on anxiety or panic.

    Together we are able to explore the root cause of the anxiety, understand and eliminate old belief systems, behaviours and patterns, and re- program the subconscious mind with more positive and effective belief systems to help support you to stay calm, confident, trusting, relaxed and in control of any situation.

    Learn more

  • Fears and phobias can develop at anytime of life, but most often develop in childhood. Common fears and phobias include closed in places, public speaking, heights, driving, snakes, spiders and needles but can also be :

    A fear of being abandoned

    A fear of failure

    A fear of success

    A fear of connecting

    A fear of being alone

    A fear of death sickness or pain

    Through RTT® Therapy and Hypnosis , we can address the unhelpful underlying belief systems and upgrade your mind with phenomenal confidence, and the power to feel calm, rational , indifferent, safe and more relaxed in all situations.

  • Depression is a mood disorder that contributes to a persistent feeling of sadness, tearfulness, emptiness and hopelessness.

    Sleep disturbances, tiredness and lack of energy make it feel almost impossible to manage day to day tasks, and can begin to impact memory, concentration, decision making and also contribute to a manifestation of physical problems such as headaches, back pain and disease.

    Through RTT® Therapy and Hypnosis , we can heal past pains, re-program the mind and body to feel free, happy, confident, capable and embrace every new day with gratitude, hope and joy.

  • Self sabotaging behaviours consciously or unconsciously can affect our personal and professional success.

    Self sabotage is often driven by negative self talk, with the belief that you are inadequate or unworthy of success.

    We can all experience behaviours like these at sometime in our lives, but for some self sabotage can reinforce a misplaced sense of worthlessness, incompetence and a strong belief that you don’t deserve success.

    Through RTT® Therapy and Hypnosis , we can eliminate the negative outdated beliefs and reprogram the subconscious mind with phenomenal confidence, abundant self - worth, and the excitement and energy to strive for success in any ventures ahead.

  • By taking you back to the root cause of addiction we are able to uncover the psychological wound that has moved you toward addictive behaviour.

    Through RTT® Therapy and Hypnosis , we can heal past wounds, establish positive habits, practice self compassion and embrace life positively, free of addiction.

  • Low self - esteem is essentially not holding yourself in high regard.

    You may notice that you speak negatively about yourself, self blame, focus on the negatives about yourself, ignore your achievements or even joke about yourself in a negative way.

    All of these internal messages lead to increased vulnerability, therefore impacting the likelihood of developing anxiety, stress, depression, loneliness, addiction, job performance and relationship issues.

    Through RTT® Therapy we can update your belief systems, re - program your mind to step out of your comfort zone, improve your internal dialogue and embrace self -worth, self love, self -compassion, develop unlimited confidence, make decisions with ease, create healthy boundaries and let go of the burden of personalised negativity.

No matter what change you seek, Rapid Transformational Therapy RTT® can be a powerful tool to help you achieve it. RTT® is a unique and innovative form of therapy that merges the best aspects of Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. By accessing the subconscious mind, RTT® enables you to uncover deep-rooted beliefs, emotions, and patterns that may be holding you back from making the desired changes in your life. Whether it's overcoming anxiety, improving self-confidence, or breaking free from harmful habits, RTT® empowers you to reprogram your mind and create lasting transformation. Unlock your potential today and create the life you truly desire.

Rapid Transformational Therapy RTT® can also help with


Autoimmune disease

Compulsive behaviour

Panic attacks

Imposter syndrome

Sleeping issues


Eliminating self - sabotaging behaviours




Sexual issues

Unresolved trauma

Low self esteem


Public speaking

Money blocks/ Issues

Achieving goals

Lack of connection / loneliness

Health issues and pain management

Autoimmune disease

Disordered eating

Weight loss / weight control

Improve and increase memory - focus - concentration

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